Wizert Math Experts Recommend these Math Apps for Students with Math Phobia [Part 3]

Mar 27, 2021

Check out the first part and the second part of this article here before going through this one.

#11. Math Doodles:

Most learners wrestle with simple aspects of Math like different sorts of calculations. Playing with an app known as ‘Math Doodles’ would contribute to an increased attention within kids to solve Math sums appropriately.

Basically, the app comprises four challenges as well as a unique challenge that is offered to users as an update.

Math Doodles provides an entertaining format for players, exposing students to a variety of Math problems. The unique thing about this app is that: it encourages students to come up with multiple solutions for a single problem. Therefore, there is no such thing as a single, accurate solution!

The Challenges of Math Doodles:

a. Sums stackers: You would discover that different numerical values are arranged into three different stacks. A sum is generally assigned to every stack. You need to represent all these values in 22 ways.

b. Connect sums: In this game, users are required to improve their sense of numbers by clearing some random series of numbers that are presented in an array of 4*4.

c. Unknown square: You would be expected to apply your Algebraic skills while solving this sort of problems by seeking unknown numbers in an array of 3*3.

d. Splat go around: The concept of rotation would be really clear to you of you practice playing this game, dear students. All you need to do is: target a fly with a fly swatter.

e. Sneak peek: Students would gradually develop an idea about the visualization of patterns after participating in this exciting game.

#12. Mathbeat

If you are planning to improve your speed in this subject, you should certainly try out an app known as ‘Mathbeat’. For, it really enables learners to polish their basic aptitude in Math. You can go about it in the following ways:
Entering your solutions through a numerical keypad

Choosing the operators that include multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division to solve the problems you are offered to work upon

Solving every kind of problem until you finally arrive at the proper solution

Improving your Math skills by working ceaselessly on all types of Math problems, thereby preparing yourself for your Math exams

Arranging for a large number of players to keep a tab on the scores

#13. Math Vs Zombies

Zombie-based learning is now being embraced by several academic institutions, thanks to its innovative and easy-to-understand features. The reason is simple: many kids have confessed their affinity for zombies, and do not mind these spooky, imaginary creatures taking their class!

Now, you can get ready to rescue yourself from a violent ‘zombie attack’ – using ‘Math’ as your trusted weapon!

The game is truly a tempting one. Imagine a planet that is ruled by zombies. You have been entrusted with the responsibility of acting as a savior for the world, as part of a group of skilled scientists. All you possess at your disposal is your efficient prowess in Mathematical concepts.  

For instance, you would have to rush past different kinds of perils, utilizing your basic Math skills that comprise multiplication, subtraction, division, and addition.

However, the game would also ensure that you indulge in a fair amount of fun-filled activities while you are engaged in solving Math problems. There are four levels in all.

#14. King of Math

Algebra continues to be a headache for certain students, while others are yet to come to terms with problems based on simple calculations. On the other hand, teachers often bump into kids who struggle with other sorts of Math problems, including fractions, Geometry, and so on.

Brace yourself for an enjoyable Math-learning experience with ‘King of Math’ app.

Initially, you must be able to increase your level by answering as many problems accurately as possible. Your goal should be to maximize your total scores. Players would have to navigate 10 different levels and would definitely be enthralled by the music here.
The app is perfect for high school as well as middle school math students.

The free version of King of Math has problems based on addition and subtraction. Mixed problems are also present in this version.
But, if you purchase the entire game, you would be capable of working on a wide variety of problems that would involve other things too.

#15. Ordered Fractions

When you deal with fractions, you need to be careful in the way you order them.

This app would go a long way in making sure that you learn how to compare as well as order fractions with an aim to solving some problems correctly. The game starts by rolling the dice. This is followed by the players inserting the numbers into many boxes present on the board.

Next, students are then required to arrange the fractions in ascending order and, of course, this is simply done by comparing fractions.

However, students might also opt for exchanging the present series of numbers and then rolling the dice all over again. Moreover, students can also employ the app for gaining some useful tips that aid in simplifying the concepts. Some of the most beautiful features of this app are as follows:

Easy to usher games beyond the confines of a traditional classroom environment

Highly matured game

Multiplayer game as players can easily use over five electronic devices to play this game

So, if you are really scared of Math and looking for a more ‘intelligent excuse’ for skipping your Math homework next week, do please take a look at some of these apps we mentioned. With that, we will bring this post to a close. Hope you had a great read.


Image Credit: bbci.co.uk

Article Posted in: Apps and Technology


Sid writes educational content periodically for Wizert and backs it up with extensive research and relevant examples. He's an avid reader and a tech enthusiast at the same time with a little bit of “Arsenal Football Club” thrown in as well. He's got more than 5 years of experience in technical content framing, digital marketing, SEO and graphic designing.

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