Mathematics Acts as the Gateway to a Host of Careers
This choice generally pops up by the time the student reaches his/her secondary grades in school. Their dilemma in choices creates some problems because students are not so sure about the specific career on which they should finally settle. Another problem that also comes into existence is the choice of a right subject for that specific career. Mathematics is a subject that acts as a gateway to many careers. This article will highlight a few enticing career prospects of mathematics.
1. Computer Science
Computer science is strongly based on logic. The backbone of computer programming is mainly based on logic. Mathematics is a subject that teaches logic to students. It also develops significant critical-problem solving skills in students; a criteria that is of utmost importance in the field of computer science.
2. Biostatistics
Biostatistics is the implementation of statistics in medical sciences and does have some enticing career prospects. Statistics is a part and parcel of mathematics. Therefore, we can easily say that biostatistics is indirectly dependent on mathematics. A strong math base can definitely make you a stand out choice among the candidates in the field of biostatistics.
3. Engineering
With the advancement of technology, it can be easily said that engineering has definitely become an outstanding career choice amongst the lot.
This field is highly dependent on mathematics ranging from minor measurements to complex calculations.
In simpler words, we would like to say that if you want to engage your career in machines or gadgets of the future and make a career out of it, you must master mathematics to a fairly advanced level. Electronics, mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil etc; you name it, we got it. These significant engineering fields are highly dependent on mathematics from calculus to geometry and everything in between.
4. Technical/Science Writing
Technical/Science writing is a recent career trend that bears immense prospects both from the point of view of satisfaction and emoluments.
It includes everything from technical reporting for periodicals, magazines, blogs and newspapers to writing software documentations. Even writing textbooks on science comes under this category. But nowadays, the world is said to be on the internet and less on the paper. Therefore, blogs, online software manuals and documentations, e-books etc are becoming more important day by day. Technical writing is hugely dependent on mathematics.
If you have a good fundamental base on mathematics, you’ll be able to write your articles clearly, logically and right to the point for your readers. Writing clear and logical articles is a desirable feature in this field. Reputed science journals or software companies look for writers having a strong base on science along with an impeccable knowledge in English or any other language for technical writing. Mathematics can definitely take care of that first quality we mentioned over here.
5. Statistics
Statistics is the method of collecting, classifying, analyzing and drawing conclusions from data. This field is a part and parcel of mathematics and do require a sound mathematical mind. Statistics has huge career prospects. There are tons of decent as well as outstanding jobs in statistics. The candidates who are up for it must have a strong base in mathematics because a strong math base probably is the only way to make a career out of stat.
6. Operation research
Operation research (OR) is the implementation of mathematics in decision-making and problems of optimization. OR is mainly incorporated in business fields where practical problems are tackled with an unique approach. These practical problems range from the economic impact of power plant safety measures to safeguarding endangered plant species.
7. Finance
A career in finance can be pretty enticing. The jobs can range from analyzing the stock market to banking. Mathematics is hugely incorporated in any job that’s directly related to finance.
8. Actuarial Mathematics
Actuarial mathematics is mainly related to the application of probability and statistics. It’s usually implemented in insurance industries. Probability and statistics is an important math topic; so having a good base in those topics would definitely be beneficial for a candidate who wants to make a career out of actuarial mathematics.
Mathematics undoubtedly, is the gateway to many careers. Even if you wish to make a career out of a field that’s not directly or indirectly linked to mathematics, you are expected to know some basics of the subject to a certain level. Online math classes can be immensely beneficial in this aspect.