How To Do Arithmetic The Right Way?

Arithmetic operations are often challenging tasks for children and younger adults. So, it is important to teach tricks for basic operations, which helps in solving complex questions. In addition, practicing calculation from a young age helps manage routine and professional life at later ages.
It is important to understand and know common operands used in arithmetic operations.
In common practices, the operators of arithmetic majorly work on two operands which might include constants and variables. For instance, age +1 has one operator addition with age being the variable and 1 represents constant.
Arithmetic operations
The arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The addition is considered as the basic arithmetic operation. It combines two different quantities into a singular entity. Thus, a combination of two or more helps in attaining the final results. For instance, if 2 boxes and 3 Boxes are there, adding both will help attain the final number of boxes. In mathematical terms, it can be expressed as 2+3=5
Subtraction is the exact opposite of addition. Thus, quantities are separated from each other rather than combining. For example, by removing 2 boxes from 3, 1 box will be left. Thus, representing in mathematical terms, it will be 3- 2= 1.
It also operates by combining varied quantities into a single entity. Sometimes, adding or multiplying gives the same result.
For example, 2 boxes in four places can be calculated as 2+2+2+2= 8. However, multiplication eases the task like 2X 4= 8. Thus, if numbers are given in large quantities, multiplication is easier and faster to obtain results.
The division is just the opposite of multiplication. Multiplication is the combination of values to achieve larger values. However, in the division, the quantities are scattered into much smaller amounts which are known as quotient. Splitting 8 boxes into 4 will provide us equal distribution. In mathematical terms. It will be 8 / 4 = 2.
Important points while working with Arithmetic operands
By adding two negative numbers, the outcomes will always be negative. While adding one negative and positive number, the result will take the position of the larger number ((-8) + 3= -5). Besides, the products of a positive and negative number will always be negative. In contrast, two negative numbers will produce positive results. Also, the quotients of both positive and negative numbers will give negative outcomes. However, the quotient of two negative numbers will yield positive results.
In addition to this, the solution to the mathematical problems evolves on how the problem is being viewed. Therefore, in mathematics, one must be confident about the answer while performing calculations. In order to eliminate confusion, the order of operands was studied and discussed in the 1500s, which includes addition, subtraction, division, and others. It is important for practicing operations on a daily basis for grasping a good hold on the calculations which will help in solving complex problems.
Children must be engaged with varied objects to make them understand the arithmetic operations at an early age.
Tips to teach Arithmetic to children
Strengthening calculations from a younger age is important for a child's growth and development. However, maths should be more of a learning experience for the kids; thus, easy and quick strategies can be adopted.
The child needs to know and understand numbers which is also a beginning stage in learning maths. Children must be guided about the counting of quantities with simple props that they usually play with. For example, a child will respond much better when a number is repeated, or objects are counted in ascending orders. However, each child has a different capacity; hence it must be taught according to age and grasping ability. Once the child has started the learning process, number principles like addition and subtraction can be easily taught.
Using Regular objects
Every physical thing that surrounds the child can be used as an object. Everyday objects like money, books, fruits, cans, and others can be used for counting, adding, subtracting, and multiplying. The object need not be identical. Thus, counting apples and oranges will help in expanding the thought process as both are different items. Therefore, instead of following number games, the child will connect with different objects.
Playing games
In the market, there are numerous games which can be used for introducing maths to children. “Snakes and ladders” is one of the games which introduces numbers 1 - 100 to the children. Addition and subtraction can be taught through some classic resources like Pay - Day, Monopoly, and Life. In addition, parents or teachers can play maths scavenger hunts or use chalks for scribbling numbers.
Blocks can be further used for counting numbers. However, it should be kept in mind that maths must be taught in a creative way by enjoying activities instead of just like an educational drill.
Baking with Children
Baking is an excellent tool that can be used as teaching equipment. For example, counting the cookies and cakes can help in teaching simple maths. At the same time, a whole dough or a cake might be used for making the child learn fractions into eighths, fourths, and halves.
Small cookie pieces can be effectively used for adding and subtracting fractions. In addition, molding clay is reusable and can be used many times for teaching arithmetic operands.
Abacus is the oldest technique that has been adopted for teaching maths to students. It comes in a rectangular wood frame with movable beads which are moved back and forth. The beads help in learning addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Through an abacus, the child will be able to develop problem-solving competencies.
Flashcards help the kids in getting hands-on experience in counting numbers. The child's preferences can be evaluated by using flashcards and other materials. Some kids learn through seeing answers, while some might require to count physical objects.
Arithmetic operands can only be right if the child or an adult has a strong foundation. Thus, the child must be engaged in day-to-day activities for counting numbers, adding, or subtracting. Also, a variety of daily use objects can be used for making maths an enjoyable activity.
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